Hey There Pal, What You Say?

In preparation for TCMFF 2018, I've been talking to some of my movie pals who also happen to blog. (Mainly Nikki of The Way We Watch.) We all want people to read our blogs AND engage with us. (I hate that word/buzz words in general. Honestly, we really just want to talk to a bunch of people about old movie on the interwebs.) It seems to be a popular opinion that bloggers need to network with other bloggers to gain readers.
(I'm going to give some tips on how to meet people/potential readers at TCMFF, but even if you're not a blogger, you can use any of these to meet new friends!!)
Non-bloggers are the key. You need to talk to the person you're sitting next to before the movie, the person you're standing in line with, the person you're standing next to waiting for your $20-weak- ass- pour cocktail at Club TCM. And not just, "how are you?" You'll probably just get a "fine, thanks" and the person will just go about their day. I understand some people aren't natural Chatty Cathies, so here a great idea, do a poll on your blog and use that as a way to chat someone up.
Here are some freebies:
-How many TCMFFs have you attended?
-What is your favorite musical?
-What do you think is the best costume ever?
-If you could talk to any movie star (obviously dead or alive...) who would it be?
-Best movie adaption of a book/play? (It keeps with this year's theme of "From Page to Screen" and it'll probably be the only time you can ask the question and the answer won't be Harry Potter.)
Boom, now you have a new blog entry and all you have to do is collect data while you drink.
(If you don't want to lug around a notepad, just tap it into the notes app on your phone.)
I also suggest making cards to hand out. Some people aren't super fast with whipping out their phones to add your IG/Twitter/FB/Tumblr/YouTube/....seriously I know I'm missing other platforms, so hand out a little card for them to look you AND YOUR BLOG up later on while they wait in another line!
I know business cards sound old fashioned, but every person that has ever handed me a card, I've kept and read their blogs later on. Jessica over at Comet Over Hollywood gave me her card like....6-7 years ago. I remember exactly how the card looked...she also got on someone's shoulder's and sang a Broadway tune, but you don't have to do all that to be memorable!
Trust me, you will not regret doing any of these things. You might make a new reader and even better, make a new friend!
****The title of my entry comes from this song.****